AFTS offers free art classes twice a week to the homeless community of Austin, and in addition, holds an annual art show downtown. This was their 17th show.
The talent of these individuals is utterly amazing. Most have had absolutely no professional training, and many have never picked up a paintbrush until attending their first AFTS art class.
Top Left: Richard Vasquez
Top Right: Howard Cook
Top Right: Howard Cook

Bottom Right: John Monbelly

Right: Howard Cook
These artists were personable, friendly and proud. I talked to a few of the artists at the show, and they all wore huge smiles, blinked kind eyes and seemed genuinely happy to be there.

It was late in the last day of the show, and every artist was willing to negotiate their prices. Though it's obvious they enjoy making a profit, many of the artists said they didn't do it for the cash. They create art because it gives them passion. For many, AFTS has done more than give them a bit of income; it's given them a reason to believe in themselves. It's helped them start new lives, find friendships and love and restore their confidence.
I knew I wouldn't leave without a purchase. I decided on a piece by Larry Miller. This man was intuitively kind and radiated with excitement. I honestly wish I could have purchased more art, but I'm very happy with this piece. Now if only I can find the wall space in my house to hang it...

I really liked that Richard Vasquez painting you posted... If only I was loaded, haha.