All right, a little. Apparently I'm not the greatest at keeping up with posts. And luckily, I'm sure many of you haven't noticed. (Considering my blogging streak lasted a whole 3 posts.) So anyway, with summer approaching (certainly not quickly enough)...I've decided to give it a try...again. This relationship (ya know, you and me) has the potential to get sticky. I can't say I'm all that committed. So let's just start things slow...One post at a time.
A few weekends ago, I worked at Art City Austin. And it was pretty fantastic. The festival brought in 190 juried artists from all over the world. The city closed off Cesar Chavez and lined the street with booths of Austin local eats, drinks and of course, art.

There was too much to take in. Because I was "working," I only walked through the entire festival once... and it wasn't enough. I wanted to spend hours looking at the booths. I collected about 17 business cards. I'm keeping them in a safe place in case I have money some day.
I actually ended up buying two pieces, sadly just prints. (It's all my college budget can afford). One was by Greg Davis. Check out his photography. Beautiful images.
The festival also had two stages of live music. My favorite locals, The Bright Light Social Hour, ended the festival on Sunday with a fun, but sweaty, show. I really love these guys...perhaps a little too much (I shamelessly tweet them weekly). The guys played their last Austin show for the summer at Emo's the other night *because they're about to start recording their first full length album!* The local indie group combines bluesy, Spanish influenced vocals with the perfect balance of dirty jam rock and funky beats to make you dance. Their personalities are adorable, and Jack's moustache is glorious. Put on your dance pants and listen.
Pictured Below:
Curtis Roush - lead guitar
Jack O'Brien - bass (mouztache)
Jo Mirasole - drumz
A.J. Vincent - keyz

How I got involved with Art City: Well, it happened rather quickly. I emailed the contact for Art Alliance Austin because I knew the festival was within a few weeks. They referred me to their publicist, Giant Media. And 3 days later I had an interview...and one day later I had an internship. Luckily, (for me anyway) they had just fired their previous intern and needed someone as soon as possible. So that's when I picked up my second job of the semester (in addition to 4 classes). So there you have it. You can probably see why I haven't had the time to blog...or go grocery shopping...or brush my hair.
Now, had I been on top of this, I would have written about this 3 weeks ago, right when it happened. But sleep may have been more important. Which, I honestly do regret a little. It's hard to go back and write about things that happened when they aren't fresh and exciting. That was my problem as a child. I would start a diary, and I would write one entry. Then, 4 months later I'd find it and try to catch up on the past 120 days...Kind of I still have the patience (or lack there of) and commitment as my 12-year-old, buck-toothed, frizzy haired self. And I still spill my food on myself I'm not expecting much to change.